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  • Writer's pictureHolly


Updated: Jan 4, 2019

What you put into your body shows on your skin.....please remember that Indulging in favourite chocolate, ice creams, takeout or a night out with friends once in a while will not age you or cause breakouts, just like eating leaves all day will stop you from ageing or getting breakouts. There are many factors that contribute to these problems we all suffer with throughout life. It is all about balance eating healthy is great for your mind and body aslong as you get that balance. Check out these recipes that help with keeping your skin young, fresh and glowing. I will upload a new recipe for you to try each week. Give it ago let me know what you think.

It's the start of the new year and after all the stress of Christmas, going back to work and having to wait for another 'what seems like a year' for the next pay day. This anti stress beet hummus will not only taste amazing but help to reduce your stress and is the perfect lighter snack than last month's snacks of chocolate, mice pies and grandma's Christmas cake.

Summer is here and what better way to help get those long awaited sunkissed tans, than with the help from some delicious foods.

This tastes amazing! It is perfect as a snack or as a delicious lunch!

This recipe might sound risky but it totally works. Enjoy!

Great for a light lunch or your evening meal.

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