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  • Writer's pictureHolly


Updated: Apr 24, 2018

You only need 1 day to get out of hibernation and free from the tiredness typical of the beginning of spring. How? Start with 1 detox day! Follow the nutrition tips and menù from cardiologist Dr. Gualerzi, to feel the difference!

Reactivating our organism at the beginning of spring is fundamental. Our body is still ‘asleep’: during the winter we move/exercise less, the hours of light are fewer, and with the beginning of spring, we feel more tired. What are the guidelines to follow in this period?


Every season has its color. In springtime it’s green, a natural anti-stress color. The foods that contain chlorophyll favour the resistance needed during periods of intense work or study. Greens help us to sleep better, to stay in shape and they reinforce the immune system. To drain and purify, nothing is better than asparagus, broccoli, artichokes, parsley, spinach, rocket, arugula, and turnip greens.


The best cooking in spring is steaming, because it leaves the energy of foods unchanged. You can also prepare foods by lightly sautéing in a wok, the traditional Chinese pan, with a little extra virgin oil and rice or apple cider vinegar.

Doubtful about the menù? Here are the suggested meals for 24h Detox! Meet the challenge!

When you wake up: 15 minutes before breakfast, drink two glasses of water with 1 teaspoon of rice/apple cider vinegar or lemon for each glass.

Breakfast: extracted juice of a pear, with a handful of spinach and a piece of celery, rice or corn cakes with jam without sugar.

Snack: 6 almonds or 5 walnuts.

Lunch: a gluten-free grain such as quinoa or amaranth, completed with steamed seasonal veggies, seasoned with ginger and tahini.

Snack: 6 almonds or 5 walnuts.

Dinner: miso soup with celery and seasonal veggies, legumes such as green lentils or fresh peas, with rice cakes and a portion of seasonal fruit.

Before sleeping: springtime “mocktail” with lime and mint, or an infusion with lemon balm and licorice.

Nutritional tips and Menù from “La dieta Super Salute”, Massimo Gualerzi, Sperling & Kupfer, 2016

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