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These treatments are a must for new mums and mum's to be. The experience of becoming a new mum is a magical time for every woman, but for each woman it is entirely different with each pregnancy. Massage offers a safe and relaxing way to relieve some of pregnancy's discomforts. Nurturing both mum and baby through to post- partum recovery. The first sensory input in life comes from the sense of touch while we are still in the womb so babies also benefit from these treatments. 

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Pregnancy Massage


New Mum Body Wrap



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    •    Improves lymphatic drainage and blood circulation, which help to improve oedema         which is often caused during pregnancy from reduced circulation. 

    •    Improves suppleness of the skin and underlying tissues therefore helping to             prevent and reduce stretch marks 

    •    Touch alters oxytocin a hormone which relaxes the individual, promotes touch and         encourages bonding that triggers milk production during breastfeeding 

    •    Improves sciatic pain which may be caused during this time 

    •    Relieves muscle aches and pains 

    •    Women have also found that's having regular pregnancy massage have had             shorter, less intense labours with lesser need for invention 

    •    Reinforces elasticity and suppleness, feeds the skin vegetal extracts and essential         mineral salts to keep it nourished preparing the skin to stretch and  

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